The good old days

I am about to take a bold step, or should I say, back-step. My computer crashed the other day and a funny thing happened, I survived. Thank the four winds for kind web-connected neighbors. I should be up and running in a day or so, but rather spontaneously today, I canceled my broadband; that’s right, I am back to dial-up. The fact is, I am a broadband junky. The rapidity with which I have been able to research any number of things to the speed and ease of posting blog diaries, has kept me captivated for hours at a time. That was all well and good while I was on vacation, but now, starting my third semester in nursing school, it is a different story.
I am going to cut back my posting here. From what I am seeing, the message about Peak Oil is out and the slim-ball-in-chief is in a ratings tailspin. I am most pleased.
Worry not fans, I am only refocusing on my future career, the adjustments to a post petroleum world will be a drawn out process (thankfully), which means there will be a lot to post about during the next several years. I am just apologizing in advance for the lack of frequency.
In the mean time, Jim over at The Energy Blog is posting some really great, inspiring and optimistic energy news quite regularly; my blog wants to grow up to be like his.
Good luck in nursing school! It will go faster than you can imagine! You're right, you needn't be on here because you have to eat, breath, drink, sleep nursing school. I've been through it. If I can do it, anybody can! ;) It just takes determination, self-control, willpower. I remember being happy just watching cartoons or "I Love Lucy" re-runs just to get away from studying!
I also remember wanting to run to take my boards as quickly as possible for fear all of the information I had accumulated was going to all fall out of my head!
Good luck! First things first!
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