Buying time

Since Toshiba invented that highly efficient Lithium-ion battery a few months back and Mitsubishi is designing an electric car based on that battery, then we would not need as much in the way of liquid fuels. Our impending transportation crisis could be dealt with by adding more electricity to the grid and, of course, more grid.
The environmental concerns of mining and burning coal must be seriously considered, but as I said before, at current rates of consumption, coal will provide electricity for another 200 years.
Perhaps we can add this to the list of inventions that buy us time. Time in which to dump the current neocon oil hogs and time to develop some real homegrown alternative energy sources and storage mediums that have absolutely no connection to the fossil fuels coal, petroleum or natural gas.
Hmm, I'll make an exception for 3-in-1 oil; handy stuff, that!

(Thanks to Jim at The Energy Blog for the MSNBC article.)
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